I don't usually dabble in things showbizzy, mainly because I don't know the first thing about such stuff, but here goes, my first and probably last piece of showbiz punditry:
Zhang Ziyi attended the world premiere of "Memoirs of a Geisha" in Tokyo tonight. It is the first big-budget Hollywood movie to have an almost entirely Asian cast.
Whether or not it is any good, I've got a feeling that Zhang Ziyi, who also starred in the Chinese hit "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", may become one of the biggest female stars in the history of cinema. It is a ridiculous claim, but she has come onto the scene at a time when China is becoming an economic powerhouse and when Hollywood is showing increasing signs of wanting to cater not only to that international market but to its prosperous domestic Asian market. Zhang Ziyi, who undoubtedly has star quality, has a potential fan base of billions of people.
You should check her out in "House of the Flying Daggers", if you haven't already. I think it's called "Shi mian mai fu" in Chinese.
Never mind showbiz punditry what about my Sumo tip for the top Kotooshu? I read in the Guardian that he has become the first European to rise to the rank of ozeki. It says he was promoted after his impressive performances in a tournament that ended on Sunday. Why, I should like to know, was BUYO not keeping Kaloyan Stefanov Mahlyanov's fans up-to-date with his progress?
Sorry. It wasn't so long ago that you were complaining about the sumo posts.
He did well, beating Asashoryu in their bout, but he didn't win the competition. Asashoryu won it. He is the first man in history to win all six sumo basho in a year, I think.
OK he's good but not as super cool as Kotooshu......have you any viseo clips?
What?! You let a basho go by without keeping us informed? Priorities, man.
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