It is like sailing a boat. The sails and the rigging and all the tackle are your vocabulary, grammar, general understanding of the structure of the language. The wind in your sails is your confidence.
So you can have a pretty extensive understanding of the language - a real tall ship, with acres of sails and rope - but, if you can't get the wind in your sails, you can find yourself stumped in really quite basic interactions. On the other hand, you can be a real buck egit - a tiny little boat with a single sail - but, with a gale force wind of confidence whipping you along, you can do quite well. When you are a real beginner, one phrase can sometimes feel a bit like a spinnaker. You can move. Even with absolutely no language at all, you can make yourself quite extensively understood using the equivalent of getting the oars out and rowing (body language, smiles and a lot of sweaty enthusiasm).

Don't get me wrong. I am not even close to being a tall ship yet. More like a small family boat. But I was a much more basic vessel when I was last in Japan and often did quite well on the communication front. The frustration is, now that I am adding more rigging to a boat that I am expecting to carry more weight, I often find my sails hanging limply when called upon in real conversation. Infact, trying to select the right rope from all the knots lying all over my decks can leave me mumbling in situations which, in the past, I might have breezed through.

If speaking is like sailing, what of the rest of it? Listening comprehension? Similar to surfing. A lot of lying about on the board waiting for a wave that I can catch but, once I am moving, I can get quite a long way if I don't panic.
Learning to read and write Japanese is more directly related to effort. A bit like bicycling ...

... up a 1 in 3 incline!
only 1 in 3?
My rowing boat has capsized completely.
Wow, I'm right there with you. I can study and study but when it comes to time to speak Japanese, it's like pulling teeth. I have a language exchange with a family from Nagoya that moved to my area and I'm always embarassed to break out my Japanese when their English is so good. I have a very hard time with the "you have to murder the language before you can master it" adage.
Musing on my wrestle with Japanese, I alighted on the image of Kingsand Lou's catamarran - beached and seemingly immovable!
I remember that boat. Very delapidated. I think I have got past the Mary-Anne phase. Do you remember that speed boat that ended up bow down in Kingsand bay?
Well said, I feel ya!
Gambatte ne!
Well said. You summed up exactly how I feel about language learning.
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